Front Stage inc.
Making a difference
Front stage inc. is a literacy program that seeks out tutors. We aim to help individuals to learn how to read, write and speak different languages. It becomes more exciting when we collaborate it with managing our own events to showcase what we've learned.
Most importantly we want your loved ones to be part of this exciting time so we open the doors to all who want more excitement in their lives. Students and adults' who may need help with direction are invited.
Join us while we learn certain skills and put together a Talent show for our viewers
Craig Magoon
I meet a young Man just under the age of 35 years old at a social event. He was full of life and love to meet new people and learning new things. I noticed he could not comprehend some things and other things were a little challenging as well.
I discovered that his mind would waver from a 7 year old to a 22 year old depending on the activity. He found it hard to meet people at his age and to be part of any activity that kept him feeling alive. Since 2013 I've been his friend and hope to bring more like him together to enjoy life.
The Big Co-vid
Nothing has been the same and social activity have become media activities since co-vid. For those who want social media and live interaction we will put on talent shows. For others who want social activity but a more private setting we will record and make video to take home and enjoy.